Duct Tape: Our Craft Supply of Choice

Lately the kidlets have been crazy about duct tape.  They seriously love the stuff.  The Banana likes to make "band aids" out of colored duct tape and decorate her appendages.  Ya Ya spent a large portion of last week using duct tape, felt material and cardboard boxes to make a cardboard luxury condominium, complete with a hot tub, swimming pool, lawn furniture, beds, furniture of all kinds, French patio doors, and amazing, amazing details.  (She also made a slough of felt flat dolls to live in the house).  

About five days ago, Ya Ya and The Banana pulled out our small patio table, which we usually store and use when we have company eating outside on our deck.  They decided that their table needed an umbrella just like the big patio table.  Ya Ya ran inside and got her umbrella, but then there was the problem of how to attach it to the table, since there was no hole for the umbrella stem.  Oh, they thought.  They planned.  They plotted.  And then they thought of the roll of duct tape.  To be honest, I didn't think it would ever work, but they were so persistent.  Sticking here, sticking there.  They found a few bricks to prop it up with, and wouldn't you know it, the umbrella is still standing days later, even through a few rain showers.  



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