
Auntie Dot spent a great deal of time braiding hair while she was here.  First she put two beautiful French braids in The Banana’s hair (twice) and then two French braids in Ya Ya’s hair.  Mr. Sneaky Pants is not one to be left out, and he was extremely sure his hair was long enough to braid as well, so the ever patient Auntie Dot obliged.  First they tried some crazy dreadlock braids.

Mr. Sneaky Pants was very impressed, but after a bit, he decided it would be better to have one “unicorn braid” that stuck straight up off his head.  He even drew Auntie Dot a picture so she’d understand exactly what he was thinking.  They tried the unicorn braid, but they couldn’t make it stand straight up, so eventually Auntie Dot did a Mohawk braid down the center of his head, which he really, really loved.  Even though his big sister protested about him going out in public with a braid on top of his head, he was overjoyed to show everyone.  He desperately wanted to wear a mohawk braid to church, but (thankfully) we ran out of time and had to leave with unbraided hair.  Right after church, however, he employed his favorite hair designer to fix things up.  He’s convinced Samson MUST have worn braids.

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