Around Here
Goodness gracious! What a week! It may have started out fairly normally, but Wednesday morning The Banana’s harp teacher announced that she was now disinfecting the harps after each student’s lesson because of the infamous Caronovirus, and by Wednesday afternoon YaYa’s college classes had moved to online learning for the next several weeks, and The Devious Snail’s robotics season was canceled. After that things started to get canceled bit by bit. Every day I wake up and ask the Kidlets what they wager will be canceled next. Spoiler alert: I think nearly everything has been cancelled at this point, including school for the next few weeks (and it might be moving to distance learning for the rest of the school year).
For the most part we are handling things in stride here, although many of the things that have been cancelled have been disappointing. It’s hard to work for months preparing for concerts to have them cancelled. It’s hard to build a robot and not get to finish the season. It’s hard to not be able to rehearse with your ensembles and go to church. But it will be OK.
In anticipation that something could go crazy with K-12 education in our state, along with the possibility that the libraries could close, I took a trip with Mr. TOF and the Devious Snail downtown to the main public library on Saturday. I may have gone a little crazy checking out 85 books just to be prepared in case my life involves a little family homeschooling over the next few months. However, we actually have gone through nearly 20 of those books this weekend (some were thin), so I’m off to take another trip to the branch library tomorrow morning since it is still open at this point.