The Banana Goes to Preschool

The Banana began preschool yesterday.  She’s been looking forward to this for what seems like forever.  It had been an especially excruciating wait from the time that the biggest kidlets were in kindergarten and third grade until her school began yesterday.  She was nearly bubbling over with anticipation about having her own pink backpack and getting to see her teacher Mrs. Lindgren, who had visited our house a week before.

Mrs. Lindgren was also Mr. SP’s first preschool teacher.  In addition, she is the director of the preschool.  When she came to our house last week, Mr. SP greeted her with a big wave.  He then proceeded to tell her, “You know, Mrs, Lindgren, I really didn’t learn anything at preschool.  Preschool is just full of activities, but you don’t actually LEARN anything!”  Thankfully Mrs. Lindgren has always appreciated Mr. SP for the gem that he is (she’s about the most amazing preschool teacher in the world).  She got a HUGE kick out of him and told me I should make sure that I write things like that down.  Whenever The Banana talks too much about her preschool, Mr. SP reminds us all that he’s already been to that school and has done everything and didn’t learn anything at all.  “In Kindergarten you really start to learn things,” he tells us.

Anyway, The Banana had a wonderful time at preschool yesterday.  She came home full of exciting things to tell me (which was kind of a new experience, because I had to beg the big kidlets to tell me anything about preschool).  She was thrilled to meet new friends and play with Cate, who lives just a few houses down the street from us.  She was excited about all the different rooms at school, and not surprisingly seemed to love all the things Mr. SP was indifferent about, but all the things he loved, she  referred to as “kind of boring.”  She loved playing kitchen and playing house at school, and loved singing and dancing.

When we were walking up to the school yesterday, The Banana said, “This is going to be SO MUCH FUN, Mama.  I wish you could come too, because I’m going to have way more fun that you will have.”  It is true.  I seem to spend a lot of “preschool time” folding laundry and running errands.

It’s her birthday today, and she was so very happy to spend some of her special day off and away at school.  Birthday images and stories will appear on the blog soon!


  • Grandma Gin

    Happy Birthday Banana, you are getting so big. You are finally in preschool. You have been waiting along time for this haven’t you. Glad you are enjoying it so much.

  • Siri

    Man I **LOVE** your kids, Rachel! 🙂 They just crack me up. I love how they are so very, very themselves–just exactly special and different as they are! Love and hugs to all of them for me. (And I can’t wait to see what #4 turns out to be like!)

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