I have been loving the way the late winter afternoon light makes shadows on the dining room walls this time of the year. When I look out the family room window at my neighbor’s garage, the winter light also makes a beautiful shadow from their grape vine in January, and it looks so lovely.
I think have only driven my car 3 times in the last month, and I love that!
I might have previously mentioned that we are really enjoying our giant beanbag. It has quickly become one of my favorite winter spots in the house to snuggle down and read next to the roasting fire. As Dr. Peds mentioned the other day, sitting in it is dangerously addicting. To make the experience even better, this week I added a humidifier next to the fireplace to lesson the extreme dry heat that singes a person’s eyeballs and parches the throat, so now sitting there for long periods is even more comfortable.
Speaking of humidifiers, I just got out the humidifiers from storage, and I’m loving the more comfortable air. I don’t know why I wait so long each year to get the humidifiers started! It’s not a big deal, and it makes such a difference.
Dr. Peds just gifted me with a roomy blue hoodie sweatshirt that says, “Having a weird mom builds character” to encourage our children. It’s pretty great. I plan on wearing it pretty much everywhere.
Over the past few weeks I have really been enjoying the really great inferences my learning buddy has been making regarding art history and music history. He really has some great observations, and it makes my heart swell.