Ya Ya at the Beach
One of The Banana's first words was "Ya Ya!" screamed from her carseat as Sarah ran down the sidewalk to catch a school bus to kindergarten last year. Even though The Banana can say "Sassa" (what she called herself as a toddler, followed by Mr. SP and the rest of us) and probably "Sarah" she still refers to the big sister as "Ya Ya" almost all of the time.
One of Ya Ya's favorite places is the beach. It's a great place to explore. Something about it changes every time we go, and every beach feels a bit different. We've been enjoying the warm weather so much lately.
When not at the beach, Ya Ya has been busy with activities the past few weeks: swimming lessons,
gymnastics and Bug camp at Hartley Nature Center. In her spare time, she's been outside cooking up mud stew for an outdoor restaurant, building pirate ships out of lawn chairs (she's the captain, always) and splashing around in the yellow plastic wading pool that never seems to die.
What Ya Ya isn't so excited about is the task of cleaning up after herself.