
Sunday afternoon was warm, and there was a mixing bowl on the deck with a little bit of rainwater in it. Peanut Maximus was enjoying putting a few rocks in the water, and I thought, maybe we should look under the tree and see if we could find some pinecones. There were lots of pinecones under the tree, so we filled an empty planting pot with a bunch and brought them over to the bowl. It was so much fun, I brought our “messy activities” tray out and added a little water to that also. Peanut Maximus literally sat on the porch and played with pinecones in the water for an hour and 15 minutes. I couldn’t even believe it. He typically has a bit of a short attention span. The pinecones floated. They sank. He moved them from one container to the next. We collected more pinecones to add to the mix. It was terrific.

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