2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 3

This is finals week for school, so The Banana was deep, deep into a stack of test preparation. Mr. TOF was finishing up some things on his To Do list. The Devious Snail was with friends, and YaYa was out of town on a trip. Dr. Peds was off doing other things, so just Peanut Maximus and I headed out for the beach. We drove down to the Lakewalk and walked just a tiny bit with the stroller to a beach. I had forgotten that this beach involved a few stone stairs right next to the Lakewalk, and I couldn’t leave the stroller right next to the Lakewalk by itself, so down the tricky stone steps we went. Peanut Maximus thought that was hilarious! It was a bit tricky for me, but we made it, both down and back up at the end.

Of course this trip to the beach was also all about rocks and sticks! How many different sizes of sticks and stones could we toss in the water? We tried everything we could lift and carry.

He also enjoyed scrambling up some big boulders.

Can I just say that walking on rocks of every kind has to be the ultimate balance-physical therapy activity for toddlers? It was stumble bumble again and again. Luckily throwing all that stuff into the water is just so motivating. There is no dwelling on the scrapes and bumps.

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