
I picked YaYa up at 6:00 a.m. and we headed to the grocery store to purchase the birthday breakfast donuts. Just after 7:00 a.m. we rounded up everyone for breakfast in the bathtub. They decided to stand, and it was really hard to get a picture. There may have been some tiptoe feet involved as certain brothers wanted to outdo one another in the tall department. Mr. TOF finished his donut in the bathtub. Everyone else vacated early.

We headed downstairs to open presents before Dr. Peds left for work and we got ready for church.

After church I drove YaYa, the Devious Snail, Peanut Maximus and the birthday boy himself down to Vitta Pizza for lunch. It was horribly hot, so even though we would have liked to have eaten outside, we elected to sit inside. The place was busy. The pizza was delicious, and we had a fun time eating together. The Banana was not able to join us because she was working a lifeguard shift.

We came home for a brief nap, and when The Banana was done with her lifeguarding shift, I drove her to church to leave for a trip with the youth group. Then I drove to pick up an ice cream cake from Love Creamery and brought it home in a cooler so it wouldn’t melt. (It was the best ice cream cake in the world, and I would totally order a Love Creamery cake again. Oh my goodness!).

Have I mentioned that it was so, so hot? Oh, I have! It was hot. And humid. And hot. And miserable.

As soon as I drove the cake home, I needed to drive the birthday boy to baseball practice. The others were not quite ready to head to the beach yet, so I zoomed to the baseball field and then zoomed back home to pick up the beach goers. We went to the beach and went IN the water. It was so hot. So so, hot. No one cared about cold water. (Sunday Night at the beach post coming soon).

We left the beach to pick up the birthday boy from baseball practice and drove back home. Some of us were cooler from swimming. The birthday boy took a cold shower. I started making baked pasta in a hot oven. What can you do? It was the birthday meal of choice.

Dr. Peds came home right as I realized I did not have an adequate supply of parmesan cheese in the fridge, so I sent him to the store with a cranky Peanut Maximus to purchase more. They came home with a balloon that Peanut Maximus picked out “for Mr. TOF.” It was a giant unicorn helium balloon that has been so loved with hugs and kisses all week that it is practically deflated. Peanut Maximus was insistent that they brought that particular balloon home for the celebration.

The Devious Snail’s friend arrived to the cake celebration (this friend worked at the ice cream shop where the cake was made and pulled strings to have my late cake order ready in time for the birthday, so we definitely included her). We couldn’t get regular candles into the ice cream cake, but we had a few random letter candles on toothpicks, so we decide to spell HOT with the candles. Candles are hot. And it was a hot day. And we’re weird like that.

The cake was delivered with terrible, loud singing, of course, although we were really missing The Banana in the ruckus of singing.

Mr. TOF finished the evening watching a movie on the couch.

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