
Rowing Season has mostly ended for The Banana and Mr. TOF, and it is just starting up again for the Devious Snail, who is back at college for fall semester and rowing. This summer was the first season of rowing for Mr. TOF, and he really enjoyed it so much. It’s great that rowing is in the morning and for the most part does not conflict with baseball, which is in the afternoon and evenings for Mr. TOF. The Banana was very excited to get “iron ore” for her 2K erg time (at the DRC, our rowing club, iron ore means that girls have a 2K time under 8 minutes and boys have a 2K time under 7 minutes . . . it’s hard to do).

Having 3 rowers in the house means that the summer was filled with rowing, and also erging and all sorts of workouts. Sometimes they even did workouts together, which was very fun to watch. It also meant (and YaYa will attest to this) that most conversations between siblings evolved into rowing conversations of one sort or another.

Even though rowing season has ended, there have still been rowing workouts for self improvement happening. (The other day The Banana urged 20 kilometers. It involved a lot of sweat.)

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