I will concede that Peanut Maximus had been acting very “two” weeks before he actually turned two. The official event happened a few weeks ago during a very busy week in the family calendar. In fact, The Banana was the only sibling home for part of his birthday, so it was a quiet day. Dr. Peds and the Devious Snail traveled early to our extended family cabin weekend, YaYa was traveling, and Mr. TOF was in the Cities with our church youth group for a middle school event.

Because Peanut Maximus thrives on a morning routine that does not vary, and there was no one here to include, we did not eat breakfast in the bathtub. He spent the morning playing toys inside and outside. After nap we went for a birthday bike ride around the neighborhood. Bike rides are his favorite right now. He can really move on those wheels!

He opened presents in the afternoon and played with some new things. When The Banana got home from her lifeguarding shift, we had cake. Peanut Maximus was very excited about the cake, but he was utterly horrified and terrorized that someone put candles in it and set it ablaze. What a traitorous act!

The Banana helped blow out the candles when she stopped laughing, and Peanut Maximus had no trouble eating the cake. All was well.

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