2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 12

The Banana and Mr. TOF had just returned from a rowing regatta in Canada, and they needed to be at the boat house to help unload rowing shells and put them away. YaYa was traveling, and Dr. Peds left that afternoon to drive the Devious Snail back to college (sad for me!). Just Peanut Maximus and I headed to the rocky beach, which is now accessible to pedestrians willing to put up with construction work.

We were actually on a little stretch of beach that I have rarely explored, and Peanut Maximus loved scrambling around on the flat smooth boulders. Even better were some pockets of water that made little pools perfect for wading in and tossing stones, since the big water was pretty wavy that night. The light was golden and beautiful. He had the best time!

You can tell from this serious of pictures that this kid is always, always on the move! He’s such a busy little person.

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