2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 14

It was the last Sunday Night at the Beach before school started! We drove down to the rocky beach. Access is still somewhat limited there, but we walked in and found a comfy stretch of rocks and water. The Banana helped Peanut Maximus walk in the water. He was soaked by the end and having a great time. Mr. TOF spent a large quantity of time skipping rocks trying to earn ice cream from Dr. Peds, and they played catch with a baseball after a bit as well. It really turned into a game of “Keep Away” since Peanut Maximus really, really wanted to get his hands on that baseball. Instead, he got his hands on The Banana’s sandals and relished the act of repeatedly throwing them into the water. The Banana found a tree branch along the shore, and Mr. TOF “planted it” in the water. It was a beautiful evening, and we stayed as long as we could.

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