So I’ll Remember

Our Saturday afternoon trip to Barnes and Nobles was exhausting for him.  Squirmy held it together until we got home, and then it was just all over for a few hours.  Finally the two of us just had to have some one on one snuggle time to get his disposition back to normal.  I didn’t mind the snuggle time.  In fact, I welcomed it.  The big kidlets were all off playing or reading the new books that they got at Barnes and Nobles with some gift card money, and to tell you the truth, I was about as exhausted as Squirmy.  It is amazing how a three hour trip to Barnes and Nobles with four children can be.  (Dr. Peds is in Texas visiting Auntie Amy Texas).

In fact, things went remarkably well.  Everyone behaved nicely for the most part.  We had lunch, with treats, of course.  Treats is kind of the deal when Barnes and Nobles is involved.  Then we spent hours over in the children’s section while the kidlets picked out books, played with the train, listened to a few stories, and things of that nature.  There were a few slightly harrowing trips to the rest room, but overall it went very smoothly.  The exhausting parts were just family crowd control (herding cats, I tell you), making sure that they weren’t in other people’s way (a constant issue) and probably worst of all, the management of stuff.  A January trip to Barnes and Nobles entails coats, hats, mittens, a diaper bag, a car seat, the moby wrap, and the books we were planning on purchasing.  May I just say, the management of stuff was not relaxing.  It was like managing two extra kids.

Even with all the chaos, it was good to get out of the house for a few hours, and good to be among all the books.  Ahhhhhhh.  Books.

One Comment

  • gramma jan

    You are right…..I find my books better than Paxil!
    You are instilling life patterns for the kids that will be with them forever.

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