Paper Dolls

A few years ago we scored this amazing fold out Victorian paper doll house at a garage sale in our neighborhood.  We snatched it up.  Everything about the house is so detailed and old fashioned.  Then, just a few weeks later, we stumbled on a book of reproduced antique paper dolls in a thrift store.  There were hundreds of paper dolls in the book, and maybe they actually weren’t made to be cut out and played with, but we cut them out and they have had several years of wonderful play with YaYa.  We couldn’t believe how lucky we were to find dolls that work so perfectly with the old fashioned house.  Sometimes they get forgotten about from time to time, like all toys do, but lately they’ve been out quite a bit.  When Ya Ya’s friend came over to play in a kid swap (we swapped her for Mr. SP) the paper dolls were played with for hours and hours.  So much imagination!

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