First Birthday

We started the day out right with a squishy breakfast in the bathtub.  On the menu was Swedish pancakes, because without syrup I figured they had the best chance of not being extraordinarily messy.  I wonder if they will all fit in the bathtub when they are teenagers?  Squirmy really, really loved the pancakes.  YaYa was so great at helping him with his plate.  Mr. SP ate his pancakes in a hurry as well, but then got very grouchy about Squirmy touching him in the bathtub.  “He’s just to LARGE!” he whined.  Which made me laugh.  

My laughing did not help matters.  I know that when Grandma Kathy reads about this she is going to just spit out her tea, because this is EXACTLY like something my husband would have done when he was a little boy.  Dr. Peds needed a lot of personal space.  Grandma Kathy has some funny stories about him riding in a car with a kajillion kids squished together.  Dr. Peds lost it and wailed, “They’re all touching me!  Somebody’s touching me!”  Of course someone was touching him.  Mr. SP needs a lot of personal space as well.  After I took this picture he opted out of the bathtub to get ready for fort camp.

That left the happy big sisters with the birthday boy, and they had a great time finishing their breakfast in the bathtub.

While he was having morning nap, the big sisters built big towers out of blocks for Squirmy to knock down.  He didn’t quite get the concept, but it was terribly thoughtful of them anyway.   There is no toy better than those big sisters.  He had so much fun playing with them.  

Right before lunch we loaded up the car to pick up Mr. SP from fort camp.  On our way back we stopped at the grocery store to pick up a helium balloon for the birthday boy.  It was an enormous hit.  You should have heard him squealing all the way across the store as we went to grab a container of ice cream for the birthday party later.  He loved how the balloon bounced around above the shopping cart.

He also loves sitting next to YaYa in the car.  She is highly entertaining.

Things got a bit cranky in the afternoon, which is pretty normal around here, but we went outside and found some dirt on the deck that was fun to smear around, and that helped a lot.

It was a rainy, cloudy day, but while the big kids were off at swimming lessons (hooray!  Daddy got him in time to take them!) I determined that it was not going to rain in the near future and moved the decorations outside for the cake smashing party.  By this time Squirmy was really toasted.  After supper he’s pretty much done for . . . ready for bed.  The minute the big kids got back I told them to throw on something warm and that the party would commence immediately.  They had been waiting all day and were eager to help.

Cake-loving The Banana tried to sidle up for a little taste.

When he got full, Squirmy decided to feed a bit of cake to Dr. Peds.  Tasty.  It had been recycled from his mouth.


  • Grandma Gin

    There is just to much fun at your house. I just love the tradition of eating breakfast in the tub. Happy Birthday Squirmy. That year sure flew by.

  • Grammie Kathy

    You know me I can go a month without looking at my computer. This afternoon has been a riot! You know my favorite picture. I am still laughing. I could just hear – He is touching me! What wonderful memories now that I have distance from the events. I love you all so much. Wish we lived closer. Can`t wait to see you all this week.

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