Swimming Lessons

Each evening the past couple of weeks the three big kidlets have excitedly pulled on their swimmings suits around five o’clock and they’ve been off to the UMD swimming pool for lessons.  The great thing about swimming lessons in the summer is that they don’t have to bundle up to get there.  In fact, it has been so warm and sticky outside the and inside the room where the swimming pool is that they just wrap up in a towel and they’re off and back.  Swimming lessons are a serious favorite of The Banana and Mr. SP, who is excited to learn new and exciting swimming moves every day.  YaYa looks more sleek in the water all the time.  She’s a far better swimmer now than her father and I.  Like me, she hates diving in, though.

We have two and a half more weeks of swimming lessons left.  It has been great that the lessons so far have worked out with Dr. Peds’ schedule so that he can help out and Squirmy does not have to go along to the pool, where it is stickier still and there is not a good place for him to wait around while the big kids swim, not to mention that swimming lessons take place immediately before his bedtime and he’s not usually in the best of moods.

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