Looks My Mother Gives When I’m in Trouble
More Disgusted.
She didn't want her picture taken because she was up all night coughing with a bad cold and hadn't curled her hair. I'm a pest. And the light was perfect. Someday she'll just smile and twinkle into my camera lens EVEN if she's feeling crumby. I love her even without finished hair.
But for the record, my mother is a master of sinister looks when people are in trouble. A glance from her when you are already feeling guilty will make you want to cower under the pews at church. I've done that. Even in my adolescence.
She's probably giving me a look even more sinister than these right now as she's reading this. But I can't see it and I'm standing strong!
No, I am actually laughing, I really do look like something the cat drug in after a bad storm. Whewww, that is not pretty. I am glad my looks can still have some effect, means I have not lost my touch! Love you bunches
i think i have gotten those looks before.
I know I have gotten one of them looks before and I think she even now could make me zip my mouth in a second. :o)