Jack at Christmas
Because of the Great Christmas Blizzard, there were a lot of family members I missed seeing in North Dakota: my cousins, my aunts and uncles, and some friends too. On top of that, I was sick, sick, SICK! A lot of the time I didn’t feel up to even picking up my camera, and I neglected to take pictures of a lot of the people who I did spend Christmas with.
But I was thrilled to see Jack. Over the moon thrilled. I could hardly contain myself when his carseat arrived with all of his chubby babiness cozied up inside. This was pretty much his response:
He was pretty much NOT THRILLED that I was not one of his parents. Things did get better and occasionally I was able to snuggle with him without loud outbursts and tears, but he never did completely get excited about my presence, even though I was willing to give him whatever his little heart desired. However, he DID really like Dr. Peds. I would hold him and Jack would scream. Dr. Peds would pick him up and he’d be completely calm and content. Good heavens.
I loved him up from afar with my camera whenever I could. Here are some of my favorite images: (Jack fans . . . click the pictures to make them bigger.)
I LOVE his checks and chins in this last one. He has an enormous round face and the chubbiest fingers ever. You can’t help but want to just squeeze the guy. There are actually a lot more images, but I will refrain from posting ALL of them.
One Comment
I LOVE the Jack pictures, especially the ones where he is looking over his dad’s shoulder. What a cute guy. And I love the pictures of your gramma, she has always made a magnificent portrait. You do such a great job, as usual, Rachel!