Random Reflections and Observations

  • This week it seems weird not to teach music class three different mornings.  The kidlets and I have been missing the grandmas and the other kids and moms a lot.  It is nice to have more relaxed mornings sometimes, though.
  • In addition to his fascination with airplanes, Mr. Trouble on Two Feet is now obsessed with buses.  He loves playing with toy buses, and his latest new word is “Beep- Beep!”  When we drive The Banana to preschool we often pass 10-15 big buses on their way up the hill from the high school.  This results in frantic signing in the back seat (he really, really knows the sign for bus) and loud squeals of “Beep-Beep!)
  • Mr. Trouble on Feet has also been enjoying that age old toddler game of “Where is . . . ?”  Where is your nose?  Where is your hair?  Where is your ear?  Where is your belly button?  His latest favorite is:  Where is your mouth?  He opens his mouth as wide as possible, and then gestures for you to open your mouth as well.  When you do, he crams his fist inside your mouth and tries to grab out your tonsils.  You’d think I’d learn, but I keep falling for it.
  • I love Palm Sunday.  And I love Easter.  It has always been a very meaningful time of the year for me, ever since I was small, and the meaning of it just grows deeper for me each year.  This week I have been enjoying listening to some amazing sacred music on Minnesota Public Radio, some of my favorite Easter and Good Friday pieces in my own collection, and especially Bach’s St. John Passion.  It was such an amazing experience to sing the St. John Passion last spring, and I’m enjoying hearing it so much this year.
  • Speaking of music, I am very excited to order Eric Whitacre’s new album, Water Night.  He’s fast become one of my very, very favorite composers.  Such a genius.  I’ve been anticipating the release of this new music for a while, and you never know, maybe I’ll get up enough gumption to contribute to his next virtual choir.
  • In the basement the pile of laundry to be washed is epically enormous.  And it has been for weeks.  Even though I do five loads a day most days, I am not making much progress.
  • This week I’m working hard on trying to figure out the summer schedule of activities for the kidlets.  We really don’t do activities on a regularly scheduled basis during the school year, because none of us really can handle it well, so summer is kind of a special time to try out different things.  Last year everyone got to pick one activity in addition to swimming lessons.  This year the kidlets have successfully lobbied for two activities in addition to swimming lessons, not counting a trip to the Badlands in North Dakota with Grandma Kathy for Mr. SP and YaYa, and overnight Bible camp for YaYa.  My calendar already looks quite filled in, amazingly.  I’m hoping to make a stalwart effort to include plenty of unscheduled down time at home (and the beach!) for everyone.
  • I’ve been frustrated with my lack of ability to work and read at night.  Mr. Trouble on Feet goes to bed at 7:00 each night, but bedtime for the big kidlets seems to creep later and later past 8:00, which is my goal, because all sorts of things have to be fit into that time when the Toddler in Residence is out of the picture:  things like a check to make sure homework is done correctly, reading time with mom, piano practice and family devotion time when Dr. Peds is home, and by the time everyone finally gets settled my brain is trashed.  And I’m sleepy, so whenever I start to read I fall dead asleep in a deep slumber.  So frustrating!  Especially since I haven’t had a lot of motivation to get up earlier than my earliest rising kidlets.  This leaves me feeling behind in everything and craving time in a room all alone by myself.
  • My students are picking out spring recital music this week.  It’s always fun to see what they choose.

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