Let’s Talk about Mel

My friend Mel is just goofy.  And funny.  And sometimes loud.  She can make me laugh faster and for longer than anyone else I know.  Mel = instantaneous fun for me.

I first got to know Mel when she was hanging around her older sister Heidi, who was a music major two years ahead of me, and my very patient accompanist during many of my college recitals.  Mel and I lived in the same dorm our freshman year and ended up standing very near each other in choir during our whole college career. We also sat together on the bus during our freshman year of choir tour.  Every once in awhile in college, we would go home to one another’s families, which was always so fun.  Once I got stuck in a blizzard in a motel in Aberdeen, SD with her family and Heidi’s fiancé.  We were there for days!  It was so crazy.  Mel’s dad was a pastor, and he officiated when Dr. Peds and I got married.

Mel is energetic and spunky and really, really funny.  But she’s also someone that is grounded and practical and kind and thoughtful, and it all works together to create a really neat individual.

I warned all my friends that I would be bringing my camera and taking lots of pictures of them and blogging about the weekend,.  Mostly, I left them at peace the first evening to let them all get comfortable, but I pulled it out the next day, knowing they would probably feel a little uncomfortable with me snapping images of them all the time.  I started out with my smallest, kindest lens.  Mel said, “That thing is really intimidating!”

“Just wait until I take out my really big, scary white lens!” I replied, as I kept on snapping.

Mel, being Mel, of course, handled the situation of having my camera in her face all day with grace.  And then she discovered her inner modeling capabilties, and it got a bit crazy in a way that only Mel can pull off.

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