Cat Nap


While I was teaching piano lessons to some homeschooled students this afternoon, he listened to The Mouse and the Motorcycle audiobook and fell asleep.  I came into the room after waving goodbye to my neat students, and found these two all curled up on the futon.  Brutus the Cat loves everyone (even Dr. Peds, although the emotion is not always reciprocated).  However, he seems to especially like snuggling with Mr. SP.  He must love the way Mr. SP smells (which is . . . distinctive most of the time, to be politically correct).  Brutus will curl up in Mr. SP's coat when he doesn't put it away on the hook.  He'll search out Mr. SP's blanket for a rest.  At night he settles down into my little guy's room and stays there until the early morning hours.  

All the Kidlets love Brutus.  They tell him that every day.  They greet him first in the morning and immediately when they walk in the door.  He's a bit of a spoiled cat, if you can be spoiled with overbearing, exuberant child-love.  I have to admit, though, that Mr. SP might love Brutus a notch more than the rest of us.  He is seriously smitten with that grey fuzzy mass of fur.  


They napped for at least 2 hours.  It was great because we had a busy evening.  

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