Special Mail

We were getting in the car to run an errand.

The Banana:  Are we going to mail something?

Me:  Uhm, not today.

The Banana:  Oh.  I thought you were maybe going to mail a letter to Old Grandma.

Mr. SP:  Uhm, you can’t mail a letter to Old Grandma.  She’s dead.

The Banana:  Yeah, I know.  But I sure would like to mail a letter to her.  I wish there was a way you could mail letters to people in heaven and just tell them about what you are doing and thinking.

Me:  That WOULD be really great, wouldn’t it?

Mr. SP:  Yeah, there should be tubes where you put in your letter and it just zooms right upstairs.

The Banana:  Just like the bank!  You could drop the letter in the tube and it would suck it right up!

Me:  Nice!  Where would you go to find the tube?  Would they just drop down when you needed them or what?

Mr. SP:  No, you’d just need a tube at every post office.  There could be the blue mailboxes and then a tube to heaven right next to them.  It would be relatively convenient for everyone that way.


They are thinkers, these kidlets of mine, and wouldn’t it truly be nice if you could just write a letter to all the people you missed?  I would write all the time.  I wouldn’t even need a reply letter back; it would be enough to know that the person just got to read my letter.  

Old Grandma, by the way, loved buttercups.  Buttercups are everywhere this season, and I think of her all the time.  She liked getting letters, too.  

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