• Winter Beach

    Yesterday afternoon The Banana and I took a trip down to the sandy beach while the others were off with Dr. Peds. It was a beautiful winter day, and The Banana has just recently learned to walk in her little red snow boots. Probably because it was the middle of…

  • Potty Training

    Potty training has not been overly successful here. Despite Mr. Sneaky Pant’s initial obsession with bit boy underwear last summer, he really doesn’t see the importance of using the toilet. At all. We’ve tried rewards. We’ve tried persuasion. We’ve tried sticker charts, M&M’s and the promise of special, exciting prizes.…

  • The Kitchen

    Grandma Kathy and I have been contemplating, planning, and researching getting this gender neutral pretend play kitchen for months and months. In our previous homes we didn’t ever have room for a play kitchen, which was fine. But I’ve always wanted for my kids to have a wooden kitchen to…

  • Birthday Party Anticipation

    Sarah was invited to a birthday party for one of the girls in her kindergarten class. This was a very, very big deal. It was so important she could hardly eat her lunch. Sarah spent an hour and a half waiting in the “cabin room” with her present for Sofia…

  • Open Ended Puzzles

    I am so excited about the puzzles we gave our kids for Christmas this year. You might have noticed Sarah’s puzzle featured in my blog banner. Her puzzle is a round circle with intricate small pieces in multiple colors that can be placed together inside or outside of the wooden…