Winter Beach

Yesterday afternoon The Banana and I took a trip down to the sandy beach while the others were off with Dr. Peds. It was a beautiful winter day, and The Banana has just recently learned to walk in her little red snow boots. Probably because it was the middle of winter, the beach was completely deserted, and she was thrilled with having the whole entire open expanse to herself. I had hoped to get a picture of her next to the enormous bank of ice shards right next to the water, but it didn’t happen because she was just so excited to run around on the frozen sand. We had a great time running, slipping, sliding, and listening to the ice crunch and crack on the water as the flow went in and out. The open horizon did us both good, I think.

I know I’m partial because I’m her mother, but I happen to think that this ensemble is probably the most adorable outerwear collection I’ve come across. (It’s all hand-me-downs and garage sale finds). The Banana truly is the queen of outerwear. She starts panting and squealing whenever she sees her coat and boots. I love to see her tromping around with red boots and this coat, her scarf flapping in the breeze. There are many, many images to document our experience. I had a very difficult time choosing which ones to post.


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