• Princess Banana

    She loves this princess dress Grandma Robbie found at a bridal shop that was closing down.  What you can’t see are the big peanut butter and jelly stains.  PB and J is what princesses eat, I’m told, except when they are being fancy, and then it’s noodles and cheese.

  • Early Morning Munchies

    I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and couldn’t get back to sleep.  Since this is the end of my fourth pregnancy, I at least know that’s a very normal thing for me.  By 5:30 I was absolutely starving in the worst way, so I went downstairs and ate two peanut…

  • Flooding the Sandbox

    They loved it.  They wasted a lot of water.  They didn’t realize that sand would seriously inhibit the new spray nozzle for the garden hose, which now turns with great difficulty.  But at least it still turns.

  • Hot Days, Cold Water

    I know, I know, you’re starting to think we just live at the beach this summer.  The thing is, though, there is no place better for swollen, pregnant feet on a hot day than dangling from a rock into the ice cold water of Lake Superior.  Everyone always seems so…

  • Interpret This!

    In the very middle of last night I vividly dreamed that I had given birth to a carton of 18 eggs.  Four eggs hatched and turned into medium sized geese.  The rest of the eggs all held pieces of mismatched silverware. Although I was happy to have a few extra…

  • Pre-Bedtime Swordfight

    There’s been a lot of gnashing and clanking going on as the sun sets in the evening.  I have been solemnly informed that these swords are Japanese swords, and there is some kind of protocol to how they are supposed to clash together.  That protocol is interrupted, however, by bouts…

  • Random Things

    1.  Ya Ya is away at horse camp with Auntie Dot and Grandma Kathy, and the other two kidlets have been so ridiculously good I barely recognize my own children. 2.  Last Saturday we were hiking in Lester Park and several college-age guys were jumping off a cliff 50-60 feet…