• Swimming Lessons

    Each evening the past couple of weeks the three big kidlets have excitedly pulled on their swimmings suits around five o’clock and they’ve been off to the UMD swimming pool for lessons.  The great thing about swimming lessons in the summer is that they don’t have to bundle up to…

  • Reflecting

    I had several things ready that I planned on posting today, but really, I have spent much of the day reflecting. I have been thinking and praying  often for Dr. Smith, my college choir director, who is in the final hours of his life, surrounded by close family.  What an…

  • The Banana Rides a Bike: No Training Wheels!

    Last weekend The Banana told Dr. Peds that she wanted him to take the training wheels off her little blue bike.  She didn’t need them anymore.  Dr. Peds looked at me.  We both convinced her to leave the training wheels on the little blue bike.  “Riding without training wheels is…

  • Bathtime Anticipation

    Squirmy just loves having a bath.  While the water is running, he stands next to the tub on his tiptoes, just filled with glee about the prospect of splashing in that water. Lest you think that such moments are tranquil and lovely at my house, you should know that right…

  • Give Me Your Evil Face

    Shhhhhhh.  Listen closely, and you probably will hear the out-of-control evil laughter that accompanied these sinister countenances.  She makes a terribly good villain.  Sometimes she barely even needs to try.

  • First Birthday

    We started the day out right with a squishy breakfast in the bathtub.  On the menu was Swedish pancakes, because without syrup I figured they had the best chance of not being extraordinarily messy.  I wonder if they will all fit in the bathtub when they are teenagers?  Squirmy really,…

  • Random Bits Again

    Every single year I am once again amazed at how many wild shasta daisies there are all over the place.  They grow in the forest.  They grow in the meadows.  They grow on people’s lawn right in the middle of the grass.  We drove to Ely last Saturday and there…

  • Baby

    Egads!  My baby is only going to be a true authentic baby for ONE more day.  What am I going to do?  I think I  need six more babies (except they all wouldn’t fit in my van, and the prospect of me driving something even bigger than my van would…

  • Wishing

    Mr. SP is licking his yogurt cup and says to me, “I really wish all the grass on the ground were green gummy worms and all the leaves on the trees were gummy vitamins, and in the winter it would be really great if all the snow was ice cream.…

  • Construct-a-snack

    I have been meaning to have the kidlets do a marshmallow construction project for quite some time now, but I never remembered to buy the marshmallows when I was at the grocery store.  We usually have some sort of marshmallows around for spontaneous Smore-making activitites, but there are rarely enough…