• Swimming Lessons

    The Banana and Mr. Sneaky Pants are enrolled in swimming lessons this month at the university.  We’ve done swimming lessons there for years and years.  I think they do a great job, and it’s the closest place to my house that offers swimming lesosns, so that’s where my loyalty stays!…

  • Sunday Night at the Beach: Part 1

    This image is actually from a few weeks ago now, and sadly even though my goal is to get to the beach as often as I can on Sunday nights, we haven’t been back the past two Sunday nights  because of our trip to Voyageurs and the intermittent thunderstorms that…

  • Beautiful Guminess

    Could there be too many pictures of this girl with missing front teeth?  I think not.  Definitely not.  I’m greatly enjoying my toothless wonder.  Side note:  some foods really are hard to eat without front teeth, aren’t they?

  • Concerning Flush Toilets

    Outhouses, when they are available,  are just a part of exploring the woods.  During our last moments on American soil before careening into Canada on the boat for our trip into Voyageurs, Dr. Peds and YaYa took Mr. TOF over to an outhouse to take care of some business.  It…

  • At Chester Park

    The big kidlets love this merry-go-round at Chester Park.  They are hard to find these days, and I know I’ve posted pictures of them spinning on it before.  Whenever we go to that park, it’s the first place they head, and it always makes me happy that they enjoy a…

  • Voyageurs National Park

    Meet Grandpa Bob.  Grandpa Bob is really the grandpa of our neighbors up the hill, and he’s a great friend of Dr. Peds.  They frequently go out to lunch together and make canoe paddles together.  Grandpa Bob is an extremely nice man, with incredible patience, who knows a lot about…

  • On the Way to Voyageurs National Park

    We needed to travel through the Iron Range on our way to Voyageurs National Park, and Grandpa Bob (our personal tour guide who isn’t really related to us . . . more on that soon) suggested we stop at an overlook next to an old gigantic mine pit.  Since we…

  • Conversation in the Bathroom

    Like many newly potty trained boys, Mr. TOF has quite the fascination with what he puts in the toilet.  After he’s finished each time, he takes a close examination of the toilet before flushing it away. The other day he was eating a banana for a snack and realized he…

  • Conversation at the Park

    We were at the park.  There were no bugs because it’s been too cold for bugs to hatch out.  The sun was finally shining after being hidden by cold rainclouds for days on end.  After having a great time on the playground, the kidlets wandered over to a small creek…