Swimming Lessons

The Banana and Mr. Sneaky Pants are enrolled in swimming lessons this month at the university.  We’ve done swimming lessons there for years and years.  I think they do a great job, and it’s the closest place to my house that offers swimming lesosns, so that’s where my loyalty stays!  YaYa reached nearly the last level of swimming lessons, and the only swimming skill she is not comfortable with is diving into the water, so this year she elected not to do lessons.  She enjoys some time with the house all to herself, or occasionally I drop her off at the library and then pick her up at the end of swimming.  Sometimes she watches Mr. TOF.  Sometimes Dr. Peds watches Mr. TOF.  Sometimes Mr. TOF comes with to swimming lessons, but it’s so different this year because he’s very mellow on the sidelines, content to watch his big siblings swim.  The first time he was a little mad that he and I weren’t joining them in the water, but since then he knows what to expect, and he’s so adaptable.  Next year he might be ready to join in too.

For the first time ever in the history of having mutliple kids taking swimming lessons, the lessons are actually at the same time, which makes taking them there seem like a breeze!  They can shower themselves before getting in the pool.  I hand them a towel when they are done and they jump back in the car.  Thirty minutes seems like such a short time to wait for them to be done!  It’s like bliss!  They are signed up for the same time next week too, although if one of them passes a level that could change, but hopefully it might still work out.

The Banana loves everything about swimming lessons.  She has an incredibly good time each day, jumping in the water, kicking, floating, and learning to crawl.  Mr. SP has a mean backstroke (his favorite) and ever since I showed him a video clip of Olympic diving last summer, he is rather obsessed about heading for the water headfirst.  Go figure that my risk taking boy would LOVE to dive, right?  What he doesn’t like is rotary breathing with the front crawl.  “It makes me skitchy,” he says, ” I feel like I might suffocate.”

We drive straight home from swimming lessons and my swimmers head straight for the shower, all by themselves.  Nice.  Aaaaahh!

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