• Scenes from Thanksgiving Weekend: Part 1

    Mmmmm.  Leftovers! Great Grandpa McGinty’s delightfully obnoxious singing flowers made several appearances during the weekend.  The flowers spin and play “In the Mood.”  Grandpa McGinty always kept them in their original box on a dresser at the end of the hallway next to the kitchen.  All the small people loved…

  • The Youngest Child Looks Forward

    Yesterday Mr. TOF had a long afternoon that involved dealing with difficult older siblings who wanted to push his buttons and aggravate him at every turn.  He held it together better than he does some days, but I came into the kitchen and found him in tears, extraordinarily frustrated after someone…

  • Happy Birthday Mr. Sneaky Pants: Twelve Years

    Mr. SP’s birthday was on Thanksgiving this year.  For the first time ever on a holiday, all of Dr. Peds’ family was together in one place to celebrate.  However, we actually celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday because some people were still traveling on Thursday.  It worked out perfectly because we spent…

  • Music Class

    For eight autumn seasons now, I’ve been blessed to get to teach music class for families of preschoolers in assisted living facilities.  Each week families bring their small children and we sing, dance, pretend and have a marvelous time interacting with the residents who live there. I teach the classes…

  • The Ground is White

    Someone was just a wee bit excited about the first snowfall last Friday.   What was he most looking forward to, you ask?  SHOVELING!  This boy still loves to shovel!  Sledding was a close second.

  • Raking

    Mr. TOF loves raking.  Loves it.  Plus, he’s good at it.  For many days he persuaded a sibling, or persuaded a parent to make a sibling help him drag leaves down the front slope of the yard to make a giant pile on the sidewalk that he could run through,…

  • Sunday Mornings

    For the last several months I’ve made a habit of playing hymn arrangements for about 30 minutes before we leave for church on Sunday mornings.  I’ve made this a habit in the summer before, but never could I keep the habit going when school started and I started teaching Sunday…

  • The Unexpected Course

    When I was singing in my college choir, we started working on a double choir Bach motet.  The conductor divided up all of the singers into two choirs, and we relentlessly rehearsed the intricate music.  After a bit of time I started to feel confident in knowing the notes and…

  • Saturday Afternoon Hike

    Last Saturday it was sixty eight degrees.  In November.  On a Saturday.  Amazing.  The kidlets elected to hike at Hartley.  In the Spooky Forest there were at least 30 college aged students dangling from pine trees in their camping hammocks, reading.  I thought that was absolutely fabulous.  Mr. SP and…