• Interrupted

    I was just (accidentally) documenting what happens when I interrupt him from a zoom meeting for the third time that day to accuse him of eating my red pears.

  • Learned in October

    Having a chair that is the right height for your working desk makes all the difference, even if the right height seems like it would be way too short. A side bonus: a super short chair discourages tall people from stealing your seat. I reviewed all the European country capitals,…

  • A Strange Halloween

    We didn’t trick or treat, because it isn’t recommended in our area, and really, that was fine. In the afternoon all three kidlets at home carved pumpkins. In the end we decided to keep the pumpkins inside rather than put them on the porch because it just worked out better.…

  • A Random Thought For These Times

    Now that the weather has turned cold, unseasonably cold, actually, I have found myself looking at the face masks that are strewn about my house and vehicle thinking, “Oh, how lovely, a nice cozy blanket for my face!” It’s all about perspective.

  • Forest Fridays: Autumn

    I have had so many good walks through the forest this fall, but perhaps the most interesting and lovely times in the forest this autumn season have been during Forest Fridays with Mr. TOF as part of homeschool. We have a special nature notebook we are working through, supplemented by…

  • Some Things I’m Loving

    During the late summer and early fall season, I have been loving the zinnias growing in the containers on the back deck and next to the mudroom door. They have been so colorful and cheerful. It seems that most emails these days are about important things to know: communication from…

  • Discussions on the Deck

    Every once in a while I find the three of these kidlets sitting around discussing matters. It’s pretty fun. At least it’s fun when I am sitting there too, listening in so that I know what they are discussing. It’s when I come across all three of them discussing things…