What I Learned in August
I learned to identify a cedar waxwing bird, and learned to delight in how social these little feathered friends can be! The neighborhood bear likes plums! I heard a sound the other night near the garbage cans outside, and at first I thought it was just Dr. Peds taking out…
Flowers in the Neighborhood: August Beauty Bringing Me Joy
Here in Northern Minnesota, late August seems to often bring a sequence of beautiful days with perfect temperatures, and the past few years I have noticed that I really enjoy the tall, late blooming flowers in the forest and all around the neighborhood. I’m soaking up the green, soaking up…
Ankle Bracelet Collection
She goes for a run most evenings, and her bracelets go with her.
Sunday Night at the Beach: A Collection of Images
So, I’ve gotten pretty behind in sharing images from our Sunday Night at the Beach excursions, but rest assured, we have made it to the beach every single Sunday night all summer long! Sometimes I think we won’t actually make it, but the exuberant value of pausing whatever needs to…
Scenes from Camp Aunt Rachel: Session Three
We had a great week! This girl loves to make things, so our week (and house) was filled with projects using beads, buttons, glue, string, markers, paint, ink, scissors, chalk . . . everything! She built fantastic marble runs with Mr. Trouble on Feet, played board games, and created wonderful…
Recently Read: Notable Young Adult Novels
The Names they Gave Us by Emery Lord. This is probably the best Young Adult novel that I’ve read this year. The topics are handled with such grace and nuanced, and it is so rare to find a protagonist in a young adult novel that subscribes to the Christian religion.…
Art Out and About
A few days ago we started a little project: taking art supplies to a destination and creating art inspired by what we saw when we got there. We’re pretty excited about the idea. Our first trip was to Chester Bowl, where we plunked ourselves down on a picnic table. The…
Some Things I’m Loving
We have had a lot of warm weather this summer, and I have particularly been enjoying fruit smoothies on extra hot and muggy afternoons. There’s something refreshing about sitting and slurping a cold, red smoothie through a stainless steel straw. A few months ago, near the start of the lockdown,…
A Dapper Seagull
It seemed like he was asking which was his more photogenic side. Seagulls are irritating to a lot of people (such as Dr. Peds), but I get quite a kick out of their humorous, crafty shenanigans.
Cousin Day at the Sandy Beach
YaYa drove back home with me after the cabin weekend, but the other kidlets headed the opposite direction to spend a few days with Auntie Dot and the cousins. Auntie Dot delivered them back driving a borrowed 15 passenger van (7 kids didn’t fit in her vehicle) with broken air…