Camp Aunt Rachel: A Visit to the Tower
When Cousin Katherine was visiting, all the kidlets dressed up in costumes to visit the tower. Dressing up to visit the tower was something my kidlets loved to do when they were little, and when I mentioned that it might be a fun activity for Camp Aunt Rachel, all four…
2019 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 3
Cousin Katherine was visiting for Camp Aunt Rachel! Because the evening was more than slightly crazy, we ended up getting to the beach pretty late, and since we didn’t have very much time, we headed to the rocky beach, because the route from home was the simplest and probably the…
The trees are blooming. The lilacs are beautiful. There are leaves on the trees. The whole city is enjoying the weather.
The Room Cleaning Blues
In the midst of the last week of school, The Banana had 3 different recitals, a violin audition, and four long choir rehearsals to get ready for choir tour this week. Her itinerary was more than slightly crazy, and when it all ended on Thursday, she was left with a…
2019 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 2
The Banana had a choir rehearsal on Sunday night, but the church was right across from the Rose Garden, a park that connects to the lake with a bridge down to the Lakewalk, so after she was dismissed from rehearsal Mr. TOF and I picked her up and we left…
Hug Your Cat Day
I was reading something last Tuesday that referenced the fact it happened to be “Hug Your Cat Day.” The Devious Snail was deviously reading over my shoulder, and what he saw on the computer screen inspired him to run downstairs, scoop up Brutus and give him a hug. I decided…
2019 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 1
We had a little bit of extra time to work with last Sunday evening, so we decided to head just a bit out of town to the northeast and explore the mouth of the French River. There have been so many big storms throughout the fall, winter and spring seasons…
What I Learned in May
Instacart! Oh my goodness gracious! I’ve hated grocery shopping for years and years. For our anniversary that we celebrated this month, along with many other wonderful gifts, my husband gifted me with a year’s subscription to Instacart. Someone at work had just shown him this amazing online grocery delivery app,…
Problem Solving
He wanted to practice pitching, but everyone was very busy taking care of other things, so he took an extra baseball glove, stuck it on a rod, attached it to a tree and put home plate underneath it. Aha! A target to pitch at.