Stroller Toes
Although it is about to change as the weather cools down, Peanut Maximus has been barefoot for months, and he loves playing with his toes in the stroller when we go walking. He is a stroller guy. He loves the motion, the change in scenery. When he’s grouchy, a trip…
Pajama Day
It was a rainy, dreary Friday so we decided to hang out in our pajamas all day. They were cute, fuzzy and new to us since I just brought home a whole stack of pajamas in our new bigger size from the thrift store. There were so, so many adorable…
Currently I am listening to a late night trombone practice because weekend procrastination is a thing around here. Next up will likely be a late, late night violin practice. Currently I am reading a book of poetry that I thought would be pretty good, but I have been feeling pretty…
Sharing Chicken Noodle Soup
If someone is eating, Peanut Maximus thinks he should be eating too. He loves food.
Whipped Cream
You know your big sister loves you when she gives you whipped cream from the can straight into your mouth.
The Banana: Seventeen
The Banana is seventeen! We had an exchange student from Germany staying with us for a few weeks at the beginning of the school year, and she joined in the celebration festivities. Breakfast in the bathtub is already a bit unusual, but it is extra crazy at 5:00 a.m, which…
Peanut Maximus has been loving going outside in the yard. He loves trucking through the grass and climbing on anything he can climb on. We were out in the yard the other day when The Banana drove home, so she took a few minutes to join in and gave me…
A Few Things I’m Loving
Here are a few things I’ve been loving lately:
First Day of School
OK, so I may have grieved the fact that it was the first day of school and only two kids were home and going to school. It was a little rough. The Banana knew that it was going to be rough for me, and she even gave me a gift…