Hiking with Cousins

The cousins visited over the weekend, and on Saturday morning we decided to take a hike!  It was a long hike, down a big hill, which meant that it was an even longer hike up a big hill to get home, but by the the time we arrived back at home everyone was tired and ready to relax and nap.  Hooray!

The Banana transported the littlest cousin halfway down the hill, until the poor little one, who was teething, just needed to be next to her mom.  Mr. TOF transported a large bag of apples down the hill so that all of his cousins could have a snack.  It was all his idea.  “The cousins will need a snack, Mom.”  Of course.  I just hadn’t thought of it myself.  I was so proud of him for thinking of it and for carrying all those apples in his backpack.

On the way down the hill the medium sized cousins zipped along so quickly they got far ahead, so we stopped for a picture break.

They were not so fast on the way UP the hill.  Ha ha. 

At the bottom of the trail we stopped to play at the school playground.  They loved playing “Monkey in the middle” and there was much climbing, sliding and swinging, along with apple eating, before we started venturing back. 

The funniest part of this hike was that Cousin Nathaniel insisted on carrying a giant rock (I mean, it was as bit as his head at least) up the very steepest part of the hill.  By the time he got back to the flatter street he was so incredibly exhausted, but he did make it all the way back.

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