Poetic Appliance

Have I mentioned that we are in the middle of a giant remodel of our tiny garage?  Our garage (that is so small I don’t think it would actually even hold our minivan) was added to our 1920’s house in the 1940’s, along with a sunroom directly above it.  We haven’t used it for cars in the ten years we’ve lived here.  We’ve just kind of thrown stuff in there that we didn’t have a place to put anywhere else.  We’ve been wanting to remodel it into a mudroom entrance that would be the main port of entry for our family for a long time.  We envision tile floors, cubbies for outerwear and the stuff that goes to school, some storage shelves, etc.  While we are excited that the remodeling and construction phase has started (and stalled while we wait for a door), the onset of construction happened right in the middle of orphan hosting.  In fact, we had only a few hours to move all the stuff in the garage out of the garage so that the workers could work.  It was hectic, and a bit stressful. (Imagine trying to explain to two non-English speakers why you are removing the entire content of your garage and relocating it to other strange places in your house).  We have stuff stashed in all sorts of really weird places.

The freezer that was in the garage had to go somewhere that enabled easy access.  It’s a big freezer, and the only thing we could come up with was putting it in our family room, right off the kitchen.  Our neighbor and Dr. Peds moved it, and it has sat right in the middle of everything for weeks now, humming and swishing and making all the noises freezers make.  It’s a large white elephant in the room.

I decided if we were going to live with a large white magnetic appliance in the middle of where life happens in our family, that we were at least going to approach it educationally.  I brought out magnetic poetry.  I love magnetic poetry, and we haven’t ever had it on any appliances because we’ve always had little kids who could eat the words.  A perk of having big kids in the house = magnetic poetry on the freezer in the middle of the family room.   The ugly white elephant might as well be a poetic white elephant.

We’ve been having a lot of fun making silly sentences and statements.  I’m about to switch out some magnets for new words, because there is NO shortage of magnetic poetry sets in this household.

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