A Gigantic Bike Ride on the Lakewalk


Last year we rode our bikes half the length of the Lakewalk, which was the farthest Mr. TOF had ridden at once before.  We had plans all summer long last year to ride the entire Lakewalk, from the rocky beach all the way to the bridge.  Mr. TOF was sure he could do it, and kept asking all summer.  I kept saying, “Soon,” with the full intentions of doing it, and it didn’t happen for one reason or another.  Then I said we would do it in the fall on a weekend, and it still didn’t happen.  This summer the kidlets were determined that it was going to happen.  We’d only done the entire length once before, and it was awhile ago.  I thought it would be easy to fit it into our summer schedule, but again, it didn’t happen!  Weather.  Hosting.  Soccer.  Appointments.  Something always prevented us from hauling the bikes down there and taking a few hours to go for a long ride.

I knew I was going to be in big trouble if I didn’t deliver before school started, so last Saturday we decided that we could squeeze it in between thunderstorms.  Thank goodness!  We loaded up the bikes on the bike racks and started at the beach.  YaYa was not interested.  Dr. Peds was working, so it was three kidlets and me.  I promised ice cream at Canal Park, and they fanagled pizza out of me too, which wasn’t terribly hard because my very favorite pizza happens to originate in Canal Park.

It is a bit over seven miles from the beach to the bridge, and of course seven miles back.  We greatly enjoyed our pizza, ice cream, and a little break at the bridge.  There were plenty of shenanigans. Mr. TOF did great!  What a trooper.  Mr. SP, who really does enjoy bike riding, was far ahead of us at all times.  The Banana and I kept a steady, relaxed pace with Mr. TOF, and took a few breaks when he needed a little rest because his bike doesn’t have gears.  After 14 miles I fully expected my legs to be a little sore.  My behind was a bit tired of the bike seat, but the next day there really were no after effect except MY ARMS!  I must really clench those handlebars.  Good grief.  We all slept well at night.

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