He is a boy inspired by school, this fourth child, and luckily he has pretty much the greatest first grade teacher ever, who is always working everything they are learning in school together. For example, a few months ago they studied sled dog races, and all of their math, science, reading and writing revolved around sled dogs, the arctic, and John Beargrease. Lately the first graders have been collecting sap to make maple syrup, and learning about how technology for syrup making has changed throughout history. With that comes a study of engineering, and my little guy spent all of last week making engineering plans on big pieces of paper for potential inventions. The drawings were super detailed and full of creativity, and I loved watching him come up with all sorts of plans for crazy inventions. (He may also have dismantled a few pairs of scissors and glued some crayons together “inventing). His favorite part was rolling up the big papers and securing them with a rubber band so they looked official. By the end of the week he had an entire collection of engineering plans that he loved showing his teacher and gifting to some of his friends.