Squirmy actually had a good night, followed by a good morning. I couldn’t believe it. He’s been an unsettled baby, full of reflux and colic, not at all happy unless he’s being held. This morning, however, for the first time, he rode to church and back in the stroller without crying. When we got home he drank an enormous quantity of milk and was a bit fussy while I tried to quick make lunch for the big kidlets. While they were eating I sat next to him as he lay on the floor, and since he was kind of fussy to start with, I decided we might as well do a bit of tummy time. I flipped him over, expecting loud shrieking and great unhappiness. None of my babies have ever liked being on their tummies on the floor, and I figured that Squirmy really would not enjoy the experience. However, he looked over at me and promptly fell asleep. He was in such a milk coma, that I actually picked him up and carried him on my arm up the stairs into the office and plunked him down on the bed, and he didn’t even wake up. For my light sleeper, it was truly amazing. He took a three hour nap on his tummy.
I know, I know. Babies aren’t supposed to sleep on their tummies, especially on loose blankets, and double especially not on a regular bed, but I figured that if I were awake and watching the whole time while I worked on the computer, we’d be OK.
Really, I shouldn’t be surprised that he was so comfy.. The one place he does like to sleep is on his tummy on top of my tummy. I’ve become quite the Mama Mattress.