Random Things

  • A few weeks ago we drove up to Grand Marais on a Saturday in a quest to see beautiful leaves and ate lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, The Crooked Spoon.  Mr. Sneaky Pants ordered an amazingly delicious peanut butter apple sandwich from the kids menu.  Next time I’m ordering from the kids menu.  Since then, peanut butter apple sandwiches have been all the rage in our house.  Sometimes we add banana slices too.  Yum.
  • When I got married, I registered for a silverware set in a box at Target, and someone gave it to me (I’m sorry . . . I don’t recall who it was that gave it to me anymore, but I’m sure I wrote it down a book that is probably somewhere in my closet).  The silverware isn ‘t silver.  It wasn’t that kind of silverware that is extremely expensive and that you buy by the serving.  It has a graceful, simple swoop to it, and feels really nice in your fingers.  Rarely have I used it, even for special holidays, because we inherited another set of stainless silverware from Greg’s parents’ wedding, and we usually use that at Thanksgiving.  Our everyday silverware has consisted of a mismatched conglomeration of extremely bendable  silverware, mostly monogrammed with unusal letters of the alphabet like Q and V.  When I was going to college I bought an unusual assortment of letter silverware that no one wanted from a thrift store, and it has served it’s purpose well.  Last Christmas I decided maybe I should just use my wedding silverware for every day because I like it so much.  So I left it down from the attic and kept it on a chair in my dining room from Christmas until September, agonizing over whether I really should or not!  I’m sure the babysitters and students really wondered what that silverware was doing on the spare chair in the dining room.  One day in September I just decided to go for it, and packed the letter silverware up and sent it to the basement.  I must say, smooth, sleek matching silverware has been making me happy every time I eat.  It gives my husband the willies though.  So far none of the silverware has ended up in the sandbox.  I consider that success.
  • The leaves have disappeared from a lot of the trees, but not all, especially close to the lake.  The bottom of the forest floor is awash in beautiful colors, though.  The weather has been so great. I’ve been dragging the kidlets out hiking every chance I possibly can.
  • I made granola, and I love how it makes the house smell.
  • Last Friday evening I convinced Dr. Peds to take my kayak down to the rocky beach.  The water was still like glass, and I had a wonderful kayak ride before the sun disappeared.  I hadn’t had a chance to take the Kayak out on Lake Superior before (it’s something I probably will only do on super still nights like that one).  Awesome is all I can say.  Truly awesome.  The water is so perfectly clear, and you can see down so very far to giant rocks and boulders underneath the surface.  The fall leaves were beautiful along the cliffs just past the beach.  I loved it.
  • I am loving the soft golden light of fall.
  • Two weeks ago one of my boy piano students who is a third grader struck up a detailed conversation with me about maggots.  You have to love those boy piano students!
  • Pacifiers disappear around here at an alarming rate, and I need them around for the survival of my sanity.  Do they grow legs and walk away?  Has our house become the home of a nukie stealing, well-camoflauged monster?  I’m not sure.


  • Siri

    Man I love your blog, Rach! I love you! 🙂 By the way, we have pacifiers EVERYWHERE. My sister claims she only ever had one for Soren, I guess that’s a first child or more organized mom but we have at least 12 and that’s just underneath the crib….also several in my diaper bag, coat pockets, car, car seat, under the couch…..well you get the idea…

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