
Our weekend was filled with

  • A quick trip just a bit up the North Shore to look at some Amish-made bookshelves.  We are seriously out of bookshelf space, and I’m looking into some options.  I fell quickly in love with the Amish furniture store and all of its gorgeous solid wood and simple and elegant, timeless furniture designs.  Walking around in there sort of made me want to refurnish my whole house.  That would be expensive.  However, even if I don’t end up buying the bookcases, I AM going to get a gigantic clothes drying rack from there before next summer.  The drying rack was monstrous.  And solid and stable.  It is exactly what I need to dry diapers and other laundry on my deck in the summer.
  • Time spent at the school silent auction fundraiser.  We bought quite a few things and had fun visiting with some friends.  This year I know more parents at the school because I know lots of families with kids that are the same age as The Banana and Mr. SP.  More familiar faces make social events like the silent auction a lot less painful for me.  Dr. Peds bought a special canoe backpack that he’s super excited about.  We also ended up with a jug of root beer as part of a special tour to Fitger’s that he wants to do with some of our friends.
  • We invited the friends who were home over to our house for root beer floats, smores, and light saber fights last night.  The yard was hopping.  It’s good we had the light  sabers out to burn up all the sugar.
  • I WON a raffle basket at the silent auction.  I was very excited because I never win anything  It wasn’t my very favorite basket there, but I was still happy to have won the basket, which was filled with “green” items like recycled pencils and post-it notes and environmentally friendly dish soap.  The basket was HUGE and there was a lot of recycled paper notebooks in it.  The kidlets were very excited about the paper and pencils.  They were less excited about the dish soap.
  • We forced our children to go on yet another walk to a hiking trail.  They were not happy.  There was much complaining, but interestingly enough when it was time to turn around and go home, two of them actually wanted to keep hiking.
  • Mr. SP and Ya Ya were busy working on entries for the PTA contest.  Ya Ya composed a song on the piano and is working on an art project and story.  Mr. SP wrote an amazing story about bats and crocodiles and is maybe going to take some pictures for a photography entry.
  • I got to volunteer in Mr. SP’s classroom on Friday morning and spent the afternoon working at the school library, and by the end of the day I started to actually feel like a real teacher again!  It was fun.  I missed Squirmy, though, and The Banana, who had a great time hanging out with Dr. Peds for the day.
  • Teaching three-year old Sunday school is an absolute blast!  I have the greatest two helpers, too.  The kids in our class are absolutely hilarious, and I just have the best time with them.  Last week one little boy looked at me with a deeply serious face and said, “My Mom says I cannot EVER have lunch again.  So can I have a bit more of that snack?”  Of course I know his mother, and I know she feeds him lunch.  It made me want to giggle and giggle and giggle, because it is just exactly like something my own kidlets would say to fanangle additional snacking privileges.
  • With a bit of practice, I actually mostly knew what I was doing at my chamber choir rehearsal tonight, and that was a very good feeling.
  • There was a bit of playing outside in the beautiful 50 degree weather.
  • Dr. Peds worked on a lot of light sabers in the basement.
  • Squirmy practiced his new rolling over trick.  He likes it.

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