Mess of the Week: The Clean Edition

During afternoon nap today, Mr. Sneaky Pants got up as usual to go to the bathroom.  A short time later, I heard him still in the bathroom and told him to get back into his room.  When I went to check on him, I noticed that he was wet.  Very wet.  I asked him about this, and he told me he splashed a little bit when he was washing his hands.  I asked him nicely to please be more careful next time, and gave him a new, clean and dry T-shirt.  

Because I was working downstairs making zucchini muffins and doing some other projects, I didn't go upstairs to use the bathroom all afternoon, as I went down to the basement instead.  About an hour and a half after everyone was up from nap for the afternoon, I was crocheting a scarf in the hammock swing when Sarah ran out and asked if I'd seen the sink.

"What sink?'

"The bathroom sink upstairs.  I think you'd better come right away.  It involves your toothpaste, Mom."

I was up from the hammock lickety split, and this is what I found in the bathroom:

FishinthesinkThere were three unhappy plastic fish floating (bathtub toys).  They actually looked as sick and bloated and dead as plastic bathtub fish can look.  And no wonder.  They were swimming in murky blue water that did indeed smell just like my toothpaste.  Next to the sink was a very squeezed, recently purchased tube of Crest ProHealth

I collected my spritely young boy who was out wacking at the crab apple tree with a plastic light saber he found free at a garage sale this morning.  

Me:  How did this happen?

Mr. SP:  Well, it's like this, Mom.  The problem is that I did not want to have nap, and I really wanted to play with the fish instead while I was washing my hands.

Me:  How did the water turn blue?

Mr. SP:  Well, The problem is, Mom, that fish need  blue water because real fish water is blue in a lake, so I just had to use your toothpaste by accident, Mom.

We had a little talk about wasting toothpaste, and I sent him to his room with a consequence.

I took a few pictures, and then put the camera down to drain the sink and clean up the water on the floor.

Except that the drain pulled right out and the water didn't go down.  At all.  When I reached my hand down into the cloudy and gritty blue water, I pulled out a large hunk of pasty white soap.  At this point I glanced over at the soap dish and found a very small, mangled portion of my former special bar of Vanicream soap.

MangledsoapThe drain was plugged with soap.  A better description, actually, might be that the drain was impacted with soap.  I pulled out as much as I could with my hands, but the water wasn't moving at all.  I had to go down to the kitchen and get a long handled little spoon and a plastic table knife and dig out gobs before things finally started gurgling down.  This is what I pulled out.  It kind of looks like exotic ice cream.  Maybe I'm just hungry.  Regardless, I didn't do any taste testing.  


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