• Exhaustion

    Oh, those big cousins. They tire me out. The Banana was in dire need of a little rest in the car on our way back from the children’s museum and train depot. This picture makes me want to gobble up her chubby little neck.

  • Celebrating St. Patricks Day with Irish Cousins

    Irish heritage is a VERY big deal in my husband’s family. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated with many clean green festivities. Our morning was peppered with Irish soda bread, green pancakes, green milk, crazy green attire, and loud boisterous celtic music blasting from the CD player in the corner on…

  • The Great Shoe Lover Discovers Wheels

    A few days ago Sarah brought home the letter box from Kindergarten, which we promptly filled with various items that started with the letter “R” and sent back to school the next day. The box stays at school, so the various items, a rock, raisins, rotini noodles, a picture of…

  • Reverse Psychology

    Because after lunch today I said in a loud, boisterous voice, “DON’T you go sit backwards in that chair right over there where the light is perfect” that was, of course, exactly what he took great glee in doing. Score one for the Mama!

  • Leaving for Afternoon Kindergarten

    Sarah was all ready zip out the door today, but we somehow finished lunch five minutes early so she was hanging out in the cabin room until the clock indicated that it was time to go down to the corner to wait for the bus. She was so excited to…

  • Quote of the Day: Charming Edition

    Yesterday Mr. Sneaky Pants informed me, “Mama, you’re a really good poemer.” Upon further investigation I was enlightened with the translation that this meant I was really good at reading poems out loud, particularly poems about giraffes, and that Daddy was not.

  • Quote of the Day: Shocking Edition

    You can tell that our little potty trainer has private parts on his brain still. Today he looked at me and asked in all seriousness, “Mama, is your penis slimy?” And we had to have that conversation about how girls just don’t have penises . . . again.

  • Are you Tired of Ice Yet?

    It was a beautiful evening, and to celebrate the extra hour of daylight because of the time switch, we drove down to the beach AFTER supper (woohoo) at sunset. The ever changing ice was ripe for exploring as the sun dipped down beneath the hill. There was a rousing display…

  • New Residence

    Last Friday Sarah was home from school during the afternoon because of kindergarten round-up. She played Uno with Dr. Peds. She read a few books. She created beautiful jewelry with plastic beads. She played nicely by herself with Legos, and by the time I got back from volunteering at the…