• Reading Update

    I've been TERRIBLE about updating my reading sidebar list!  Tonight, however, I spent some time listing some of our recent favorites.  Although nothing new had been listed for almost a month, we have kept our librarians busy!  I love being able to search out books on the public library's website…

  • Look Who Loves to Pick Raspberries

           Raspberries are in season!  We have been picking raspberries and making jam.  And picking raspberries and making jam.  And making jam.  And making jam.  And making jam.  We go through a LOT of jam at our house.  Obviously, we've been eating a lot of raspberries, too.  Raspberries that…

  • Clouds at the Beach

    Because everyone has been taking terrific afternoon naps around here, last week we were able to take an extra long evening trip down to the rocky beach, where Dr. Peds had fun kayaking, and the kidlets had fun jumping on rocks, and the Mama had fun taking pictures of clouds.…

  • Mess of the Week: The Clean Edition

    During afternoon nap today, Mr. Sneaky Pants got up as usual to go to the bathroom.  A short time later, I heard him still in the bathroom and told him to get back into his room.  When I went to check on him, I noticed that he was wet.  Very…

  • Our Newest Costume

    Yesterday I zipped down to the children's museum to rummage through their fundraising Used-Things sale.   It was a large garage sale in the hallway to raise money for scholarships to the children's museum, and I can't resist a garage sale, ever.  I found a few good finds, but the…

  • A Conversation with Mr. Sneaky Pants

    A few days ago, Dr. Peds sent Mr. Sneaky Pants upstairs to me because he had bitten his baby sister in the arm, but I didn't find out about that until much later on in the day.  What I observed was my darling boy bounding up the stairs, tears streaming…

  • A Beautiful Little Weed

    This tiny little dew drop was hanging onto the edge of the leaf from a noxious little thistle plant in my yard yesterday morning.  I think Dr. Peds probably ground him up with the lawnmower last night.  

  • The Darling Banana

    The Banana has a few favorite words right now, but the one I seem to hear the most, all day long, is the word “baby.” The Banana is crazy about baby dolls lately. She drags one or two along with her wherever she goes, and usually one of her baby…

  • A Weekend with Dot

    When she left Friday morning, Dot forgot her purse with many essential items inside, as well as several other things at our house. It all turned out well, though, because she ended up not having to work at her internship (which is only 20 miles away from our house .…

  • Binocular Love

    Someone LOVES our new binoculars. He loves taking them to the beach and looking for exciting things. He thinks playing “Binocular War” with my camera lens is hilarious. I don’t blame him. I have very, very fond memories of playing with Gramma Jan’s binoculars when I was about his size.…