• Password

    Mr. Trouble on Feet is into passwords.  He loves blocking a doorway or hallway, or even the sidewalk, as you can see in this image. “Password!”  he grins up at me.  After I guess eight passwords that are never right, he tells me the latest password.  I shout it out…

  • Just an Everyday Saturday Walk

    Everyone needed to go outside and move around a bit.  No one wanted to go on a bit long, fast walk with me, so Dr. Peds decided that everyone should go on a family walk.  Family walks are shorter, slower, and always filled to the brim with drama!  We headed…

  • What I Learned in October

    Leah–the Leah in the Bible, as in the sister of Rachel–could not see well.  Somehow I missed this, and I’ve paid attention to that story in the Bible for nearly my whole life, since Leah’s sister is Rachel, and a person takes note when a Bible character shares her name.…

  • Happy Halloween

    I hereby declare that having Halloween fall on a Thursday is the trickiest thing ever.  Thursday falls after three jam packed busy weekdays and is on a teaching day for me.  It felt too early to prepare things last weekend, but of course once the week started, there was no…

  • What We’ve Been Reading

    The kid bookshelves around here are chaos all the time!  I organize them, and three days later:  chaos.  I organize again:  chaos.  Although organizing books is about the only thing I enjoy organizing, I don’t have all that much time to organize, so  chaos is the natural state of kid…

  • The India Drum

    Everybody loves this little drum that Auntie Amy Texas brought back from India long before we had kids.  In fact, I think it arrived in our family before we were married, actually.  She gifted it to Dr. Peds, but long ago I started using it with my students.  There is…

  • HiYaaaaaaa!

    Mr. Trouble on Feet has discovered the joy of whacking sticks on trees, and any other object that he isn’t forbidden to strike, actually.  The pounding is  accompanied  with loud “HiYaaaa”s and some crazy little boy aggression.    He has also begun to enjoy light saber fighting with Mr. Sneaky…

  • A Collection: Fall Scenes

    It somehow did not work this year for us to get up the North Shore to see the color, or visit any of my favorite places on the south shore either due to various circumstances, but I tried to get out of the house whenever I could to catch little…

  • Snow Flurries

    The past two days there have been a few snow flurries whirling around.  Mr. TOF was excited to look out the window.  “It’s doughing!  It’s doughing!  Dough!”