• Bookends

    YaYa came to visit for the weekend and got a good, full dose of her fussy little brother. It was a terrific surprise when she walked in the door unexpected, and I was super grateful for an extra set of hands on a long weekend when Dr. Peds was working…

  • Oregano

    Every spring I plant a mixture of flowers and herbs in containers on my back deck. I enjoy watching them grow and sitting among them all summer season, and I’m always a little sad when frost comes in the fall. Usually they look their best right before the cold strikes.…

  • The Banana Has a Birthday

    The Banana’s birthday coincided with a special visit from Grandma Robbie and Grandpa Ron, but somehow in the midst of everything I didn’t manage to get any pictures of The Banana with her grandparents, or even Peanut Maximus with his grandparents. Sigh. Clearly I wasn’t thinking straight. The Banana had…

  • Hartley Pond

    One of the best things about going for lots of stroller rides with Peanut Maximus is that I find myself grabbing my camera and sticking it in the stroller. It’s nice to have my camera with me more often without having to lug it around in my backpack. We have…

  • Big Sister to the Rescue

    She’s always ready to pick him up and love on him! Last night she said, “I’ve never loved anything so much in my entire life!” She always makes sure to give him good morning love before she leaves for school and evening love when she gets back. It is hard…

  • Banana Behind the Wheel

    She’s almost finished with all of her practice driving requirement hours. It is still a little weird to me to be in the passenger seat when I”m the only adult in the car, but she does a fantastic job. Now, if we could only actually get her driving test scheduled!…