Yellow Flowers
August and early September is the season of yellow flowers around here. More and more people are planting perennial tall yellow flowers in their yards and gardens. There are lots of different kinds, and some get taller than others. I love being out and about walking or driving and just…
First Day of School
The Devious Snail began his LAST year of high school. I had been dreading it for weeks, actually, although he does not seem fazed. He headed out on his bicycle early in the morning for zero hour jazz band and reluctantly humored me for a picture. I wasn’t about to…
Ironic Babywear
I dressed Peanut Maximus in this cute onesie that said “Bananas over Mommy.” The Banana thought that it was fabulous, meaning that The Banana was the preferred person, better than Mommy.
2022 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 10
Somehow Mr. TOF did not make it to the sandy beach all summer! He was insistent that we go there for Sunday Night at the Beach, since it could possibly be the last beach trip on Sunday night for the season. There was a brisk east wind moving bigger waves…
Reading after a Car Ride
We ran errands and managed to sneak in a book when we arrived home and Peanut Maximus was calm for just a few minutes. Sadly, we haven’t managed to read very many books yet! This is mostly because Peanut Maximus is usually not happy when he’s awake, and it is…
In the Car
He doesn’t enjoy the process of getting strapped into his carseat, and he really hates hanging out in the car while everyone else gets in and buckles up, but once the car starts moving he manages to calm down about 70 percent of the time. When The Banana drives and…
Walking Buddy
We’ve been rolling everywhere! Around the neighborhood in every direction. Through the forest on the wider trails. Down the bike path toward the middle school. Peanut Maximus is generally a fan of the stroller.
2022 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 9
We made a quick trip back to the rocky beach on a gloomy evening. The Banana drove, and I sat in the middle next to Peanut Maximus, which admittedly made me a little carsick! Don’t worry. I recovered before anything traumatic happened. Dr. Peds looked for seagrass. He didn’t have…
Crab Apples
It is crab apple season. They are ripe, ready to go, and falling frost the tree all the time. It is a bumper crop this year. I haven’t ever seen the tree so full of blossoms as this past spring, and now it is so laden with red fruit that…
Some Things that are Working Well
Stroller rides: Peanut Maximus loves his stroller. Sometimes he’s awake and calm and looking around while rolling down the sidewalk( it is quite rare for him to be awake and calm in general), and other times he falls fast asleep from all the jostling. Either way, a stroller ride seems…