• Rowing Regatta

    Our local rowing regatta took place last Saturday. It was a beautiful day for rowing! I drove my rowers down early in the morning and then hauled my lawn chair and bag of supplies over to the shore of the harbor next to the boathouse to be a super-spectator until…

  • Dichotomy

    Truly, one of the most pleasant sounds in my life is listening to The Banana practice her harp. I keep saying it, but wrong notes just don’t sound wrong on the harp. I know practically nothing about the harp so I’m never tempted to holler practice advice from two rooms…

  • 2022 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 3

    I was so busy chatting and conversing during this trip to the secret beach that I didn’t manage to really capture very many images! A good friend from college along with his wonderful wife and kids drove up from Iowa for a few days during their vacation, and we had…

  • New Household Resident

    All of his siblings were gone for most of the week, so he was an only child who filled his days with baseball, dog sitting for our neighbors, reading books and relaxing. However, we did acquire a trombone! For a number of really good reasons, Mr. TOF has decided to…

  • Tis the Season

    It is baseball, baseball, baseball every day for this guy. He’s either practicing, playing in a game, listening to the Minnesota Twins on the radio, or contemplating the future of turning 13 when he can become an umpire for Little League games. (He moves up to an older team next…

  • Slightly Stereotypical

    She tried on her new uniform and tried out her “No Running!!!” voice on her siblings. We all declared that our water loving swimmer makes a stereotypical (but very responsible) lifeguard. May she have a wonderful summer keeping people in line and averting catastrophe.

  • Some Things I’ve Been Loving

    For this entire school year I have been enjoying the enormous hug pile that awaits me at the end of each Thursday morning preschool music class. After we sing the “Good-bye Song” an enormous group of small people smother me with hugs all at once. My friend Rhonda sent me…