• Worker

    Mr. Trouble on Feet begged and begged to learn to mow the lawn this summer. I thought he would probably only be able to handle the flat parts of the yard, because we have some steep hills that require quite a bit of strength to maneuver, but during “Lawnmowing Training”…

  • Daily Request

    “Mom, can I check my email?” Since social distancing started, I have heard these words at least seven times a day from this girl who loves connecting with people, and has learned to love email.

  • Cap and Gown

    High School graduation in our area is virtual this year. Two weeks ago or so the senior class signed up for time slots to come into the school building to have their photograph taken while they walked across the stage and were handed the folder for their diploma (real diplomas…

  • Learned in April and May

    There’s nothing like a sudden drop into supplementing distance learning from school with “mom school” activities to increase the learning threshold! I may not have gotten a lot of my own normal work done, but I did learn a lot of things that maybe I once knew but forgot, or…

  • Reflection

    I don’t often use this space for commentary about politics and current events, but my state has been in the middle of extensive trauma and turmoil for the past week. All week things have gotten worse and worse. I’m blessed to have a home to live in, food to eat,…

  • Painting the Birdhouses

    We brought our paint supplies outside to paint the birdhouses on Sunday afternoon. The Banana hasn’t painted her house yet because we could not extract her from the book she was in the middle of reading. The finished products are lovely, every one of them different than the next, which…