Mess of the Week: A Tangle
The Banana was sitting at the dining room table messing around with a fine tooth comb. She decided to be silly and wind her hair up like a curler. She realized that was not a good idea when she tried to remove the comb only to make a terrific tangle.…
A Quick Hike at Hartley
It was great to get outside and into the forest. A lot of the trails were closed off because of wet conditions, but we had fun tromping on the trails that were open. Our shoes were nice and muddy by the time we got back home, and that is just…
Pajamas All Day Every Day
He may have worn this sweatshirt every day for a week. It might have even been more than a week. I do make sure he changes into a new pair of pajamas every other day or so. Hey, it’s all the less laundry I have to do, and really, we…
Some Things I’m Loving
I am loving the sunshine on our deck, which is now clear of snow! There is a spot underneath the chalkboard that gets extra warm in the midday sun, and it is also blocked from the chilly breeze. I love lying on the warm wood of the deck and having…
They are all getting a lot of practice using their persuasive skills.
Marble Run
In between the important acts of celebrating Easter, last weekend was all about building marble runs in the family room. I didn’t manage to capture an image of the most complex structure, which was an elevated track that stretched the full length of the room, starting up on the mantle…
In Use All the Time
This is our first true week of distance learning, where teachers are sending a larger load of assignments that need to be completed. This has made the computers in the house a hot commodity. It’s working quite well for my bigger kidlets, but I will say that Google classroom is…
There’s been quite a bit of Monopoly happening recently at our house. Mr. TOF loves Monopoly, and he’s always begging people to sit down for a lengthy board game with him. Usually he can convince about 2/3 of the family to join in. He puts up notices all around the…
Sunday Night at the Beach: The Chalk Edition
The weather was good on Sunday evening, so we headed to the beach after supper. The kidlets brought sidewalk chalk and a spade to dig through rocks. The spade wasn’t actually used very much, but they left the beach more artistic than they found it. I didn’t mind because I…